Courts of Honor

What is a Court of Honor?

Each time a Scout advances in rank, he should be recognized on two occasions. The first should occur as soon as possible after a Scout has been approved by a board of review and an Advancement Report has been filed with the council office - preferably at the next unit meeting. This ceremony should be dignified but simple, involving not much more than presenting the Scout with his new badge of rank.

The second occasion is a court of honor, a public ceremony to recognize Scouts for successful achievement and to describe the importance of the program. The main purposes of the court of honor are to furnish formal recognition for achievement and to provide incentive for other Scouts to advance.

Formal courts of honor should be conducted at least four times a year. All Scouts who have advanced since the previous court of honor are honored. Their parents and friends should be invited to attend the ceremony.

Eagle Court of Honor

The primary purpose is to honor the new Eagle Scout. But the ceremony should serve other purposes besides presenting the scout with his Eagle badge. It should also present him with a challenge: to use what he has learned to better his troop and community.

Others, specifically his parents and Scout leaders, who have helped him climb the trail to Eagle should be recognized for their support.

Another purpose of the court of honor is to set an example for other Scouts in the troop, as well as Cub or Webelos Scouts to travel the Trail to Eagle.
Finally, the ceremony should inform and inspire family members, friends, Scout parents and others in the audience about the Scouting program and charge them up to get involved.

Creating a memorable Eagle Court of Honor will inspire future Eagles and encourage your guests to return for the next court of honor your troop has.

Courts of Honor Ceremonies

How do you plan an Eagle Court of Honor?

Start with The Eagle Court of Honor Book

other websites EagleBook.asp and talk to your Scoutmaster for others links

The Passing of the Scarf- The Missing Man Ceremony.mp4 by Baron Ryan, who is 1 of only 242 scouts out or 110 Million to earn all the Merit Badges offered by the BSA and 1 of only 5 who had earned at least 139.